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etc. venues
601 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022


Directions from Grand Central Terminal (subways 4, 5, 6, 7 & S)

Exit Grand Central Terminal on 42nd Street. Turn left out of the station. Turn left onto Lexington Avenue and continue up to 53rd Street. 601 Lexington is on the right hand side, entrance to the venue is on 53rd Street.

Directions from subway 47-50 Streets Rockefeller Center (subways B, D ,F & M)

Exit the station on 5th Avenue and turn left walking up to 53rd Street. Turn right at 53rd Street and continue until you reach Lexington Avenue. 601 Lexington is on the right hand side, entrance to the venue is on 53rd Street.

Nearest airports:

JFK International Airport 16 miles

LaGuardia Airport 8.7 miles

Newark Liberty International Airport 17.1 miles